Saturday, October 10, 2009


1st year 4th project: Transformation

The project is about the manner of arranging and coordinating the compositions.

I introduce the transformation of stack up, collapsible, transformation and interlocking all in 1 3x3 cubes. Only one side of each cube are attached to the other.

And that, all the 100 over possibilities of placements are discovered through dissemble and assemble the blocks.

Linear, spatial, centralized, clustered and grid, all are made possible here.
It's a permutation of placement. =)


First mocking model

Second mocking model

Submission model

Friday, October 9, 2009


1st year 1st semester third project...
Derived from the relief project, this plane project are to transform the 2D into 3D.

With that, i create a theme-park-thrilling plane layout.

Plan view
Rear elevation
Right elevation
Small triangles

Wrapping of ropes

Monday, September 21, 2009

Relief ----- Growth

2nd project of the semester..
Growth as the theme, i define it as the advance of universe. Repetiitons of squares underlines the shape of a sphere, stackin at different height to symbolise different growth rate ,creating interesting shadow manipulation.

Inorganic arrangement of squares shows movements of particles around orbit.
Strips of triangular lines arranged in such that as if there were lines emerging from afar. Self rotating movements are portrayed.
Final touch up by adding stars to provide spacious illusion. =)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Reloading back the projects that i have done in my first years... Everything was done by cutting and pasting papers~~~ Starting from lines composition.

Projecting five bold and organic lines from a perspective point, and link them by lots more of organic thin lines.. Black and white portrays maximum contrast.

Derive from the black and white lines, the lines are further arranged, turns, twists and cross-cutting. Blue and green for harmonious flow.

Detail up, imagine glare of lights on the lines..
And the background, arrangement of lines varies to creat 3D-view.

(p.s. All the drawings are done in A2 size.. very very big to me by that time..)

Overall, i quite like the outcome of the project, though i still remember how lost i am by then, wondering how this is gonna relate to architecture. haha~

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Journey of Architecture

After years of exploring, learning and experimenting architecture, at times my mind was just jam packed with idea and I find it hard to organize every single one of them and eventually it just slipped away.

Hence, the blog here plays its crucial role. It serves as a journal, documenting the thinking, ideas, comments, and projects, capture and finally, transforms my thoughts into words and visible models.

As time goes by, i can refer to this blog as a form of reference as well as to evaluate my maturity through my journey in architecture. On top of that, i hope that the knowledge and idea that I acquire might inspire others in critical thinking too.

The journey of architecture is still a very long way to pursuit. There are always ample room for improvements The destination is not important, but will want to enjoy the miles to the fullest. Indeed, architecture will not extinct.

All the best to me!!!

I'm Poh Xin Yi, the Zenith archiloony.